
Information material on Lost Foam

In this section you will find information material related to the Lost Foam casting process and the Lost Foam Council e.V.

Slideshow of the Lost Foam Council

Please find the Slideshow of the Lost Foam Council on

Our reference book: Lost Foam Inside 2nd edition

On more than 200 pages we show all characteristics of the casting process in this technical book. Scientifically sound and application-oriented, it provides detailed information - from design features to the casting process, quality assurance and quality control. The book was written under the influence of all Lost Foam experts of the Lost Foam Council e.V. and reflects their many years of experience. Particularly practical for users: possible errors are explained using practical examples and concrete proposals for solutions are offered. The combined experience of numerous experts makes the Lost Foam Inside an indispensable how-to for Lost Foam technology. Thus the book has what it takes to become the standard work of this technology!

This book is available for 95 Euro plus VAT of 7 (35 Euro for students). If you like to buy a book please contact us.

ISBN 978-3-00-060873-5

Many thanks to Jasmin Kobold for the translation of the English edition!

We offer an extract of the Lost Foam Inside as a PDF download for free.

Our information brochure

In our current information brochure “New ways to exploit potentials – with the Lost Foam casting process” you will find the most important facts about the process and the registered association Lost Foam Council:

  • The advantages of the process
  • The process sequence
  • A comparison of processes
  • Presented: The Lost Foam Council e. V.

We offer you a free pdf download of our brochure.